Teen Vogueのインスタグラム(teenvogue) - 11月5日 02時33分

? @キャメロン・ラッセル here! I'm voting on Tuesday because climate change is not a Chinese conspiracy, because women and POC and the undocumented and incarcerated deserve to be treated with respect, I'm voting because #blacklivesmatter, I'm voting because it is unacceptable that in 2016 anyone thinks progress looks like hate. Im voting because two-thirds of all wildlife is on track to die by 2020, 600,000 children die every year because of air pollution, climate change is a global emergency and inequality threatens our ability to respond. In these times it is unconscionable to allow someone who has made a political career out of bullying the most vulnerable anywhere near the Oval Office. Why are YOU voting? Let us know using #fromwhereistand2016 (art by @lydia_ortiz & @soybaby) ??


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