トロアイ・シヴァンのインスタグラム(troyesivan) - 11月4日 12時56分

was goin thru my files n found this and got nostalgic ? #ease is one of my favourite songs I've ever written and it's really stood the test of time through this crazy last year. it's meaning has changed and grown with me as I have, but it's as relevant as ever. I'm thankful to have it as a companion through this life and as a reminder that all is gonna be sweet - That somewhere in the world is my mum ready to lay on my bed w me in the sun and give my arm a good tickle (which is the visual I had while writing it). Fun fact, her hands are in this video! Felt poignant n fated that she was there on the day we filmed this little teaser. Love u mum! @laurellemellet ??? and of course, special thanks to @broodsmusic for writing and singing this choon w me. It's the best gift anyone could give!!


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