シェマー・ムーアのインスタグラム(shemarfmoore) - 11月2日 23時22分

(Part 1 of 2) CALLING all my BABY GIRL'S, FAN'S n HOMIES!!! I have so much love for you all, but right now there is a special Baby Girl that need's all of our LOVE n SUPPORT. She is the SILLY n SASSY @nadja_alaya, who co-stars as my daughter in "The Bounce Back." She has recently been diagnosed with Stage Four Hodgkins Lymphoma, and is fighting the most important fight of her life! But WE, my fans, my Baby Girl Nation, and my Homies, can help her WIN that FIGHT with even the smallest donation.... Imagine the impact ALL of YOU can make if you donate $1 or even just 50 cents each! WE can change Nadja's life and the LIVES of so many more children who are trying to #bounceback from their own illnesses or injuries!! If you are interested in helping please go to www.bouncebackforkids.com @cmnhospitals ... Much Love ❤️ and Thank You, Shemar.


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