クエストラブのインスタグラム(questlove) - 11月1日 16時16分

So Heidi literally outdid herself tonight & came w her 7 clones. I believe this is me & the original. I believe this is my 9th year doing this party & I say it keeps me on my toes. For all of y'all head scratching "what was on his mind when he spun blah blah"---that means I experiment and practice 24/7 all year round & the trial and error results get perfected by Oct31st for the Heidi #Halloween. Now it's Nov 1st, imma wipe the slate clean & try to build another perfect mix from scratch to unleash at the next #HeidiHalloween. Night ?????


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




