ジェシカ・イスカンダルのインスタグラム(inijedar) - 10月30日 19時38分

Sedih melihat banyak sampah berserakan di sekeliling kita. Di manapun itu. Sampah yg tidak pada tempatnya membawa dampak negatif. Budayakan membuang sampah ditempatnya. Bersih itu sehat. Sayangi diri anda, lingkungan dan segala ciptaan Tuhan. Mulailah dari diri sendiri.

Check out this amazing project called A Walk On The beach. It is about documenting the global plague of plastic on our beaches and we are invited to participate. Next summer 2017 they will do an exhibition with the collected photos. They will personally take care of all the production costs, we just have to take a photo and post it in their facebook group page. Please go ahead and join in, the project needs you and your heart is begging for it.




>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



