Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 10月27日 10時42分

Papa Bear has a new daughter. She arrived today. They had her a private home. She is nervous on this video but she is Lovely. I adore her chuff. She is on a diet because she is super fat. On Friday or Saturday, she'll join the Blue Pride :)
Les presento a mi nueva hija. Llego hoy. La tenían en una residencia privada. Es lindisima aunque está nerviosa aquí. La puse a dieta por qué está gordísima :) Viernes o Sábado se va a unir a The Blue Pride...
#ThinkBlue #SaveTigers #TheBluePrideBJWT #BlackJaguarWhiteTiger #ThinkBlue


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