タイリース・ギブソンのインスタグラム(tyrese) - 10月26日 05時56分

Simply just a little black kid from South Central, LA Watts..... who decided to love myself enough to want and desire MORE for myself, just a little boy who was broke, hungry and feeling stuck that decided that there HAS to be something much bigger and better than where I was - we were all born IN the hood but my imagination and dreams were SO much more bigger than anything and anyone around me and I allowed God to ORDER my footsteps and now here I am.....:::::: it's so sad to witness lost souls the famous "Monkey See Monkey Do" people - That moment you realize that NO one has your MIND, Fingerprint, Ideas, or HEART is the most liberating thing in the world...... huh? Wait? God made me an individual? I don't have to THINK, move, walk or talk like anyone? I can just literally do me??? Hello my name is Tyrese Gibson proudly the Chairman and CEO of Voltron Enterprises the future belongs to me.....


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




