サラ・ハリスのインスタグラム(iamsarahharris) - 10月25日 13時08分

#MCE ❤️ Sometimes you wander off from the path you were so set on, some horrible shit happens, yet you end up meeting someone that changes your life.

I truly never thought I would meet someone that looks like that, ☝? yet stays so grounded, anddddd happens to be just as weird and quirky as me.
This man inspires me every single day. Despite being the busiest person I know, he still manages to be there for me 100% . He pushes me to try new things, set new goals and has given me the courage to believe in myself. He's made me stronger. Not just physically, but mentally too.
A relationship should be a team, you should empower each other and make plans.... make memories. It's not about all the materialistic crap you get her, it's the little things that count and the experiences and memories you build with one another that make a relationship great. ??


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




