コリン・ハンクスのインスタグラム(colinhanks) - 10月23日 09時22分

Rocking this hat. To be clear; I am a proud fan of the @サンフランシスコ・ジャイアンツ. I'm gutted they couldn't get further into the postseason but above all: I am a fan of baseball. Specifically, National League baseball. I have many memories of going to Wrigley Field as a kid whenever we went to Chicago. I've met many, many Cubs fans in my life and I call a great deal of them friends. Call me bandwagon, call me fair weather, I don't care. I'm rooting for the Cubbies because I love baseball and I would love to see how happy it would make so many people. I'll also say this, once your team wins a championship, or three, you realize it doesn't matter who comes to the party or when, as long as everyone has a blast. So, one game at a time boys... #GoGetEmCubbies #letsgocubs


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