ヒラリー・クリントンのインスタグラム(hillaryclinton) - 10月23日 03時39分

@Vogue in its first-ever presidential endorsement: "Her fierce intelligence and considerable experience are reflected in policies and positions that are clear, sound, and hopeful. She supports comprehensive immigration reform, including a path to citizenship. She speaks up for racial justice, for reforming policing and sentencing laws. Her years as Secretary of State have shown that she understands how to strengthen alliances abroad, respond to global crises, and continue American leadership in the world. She is forceful in her support for LGBTQ rights, including an end to discrimination against transgender people. She knows the challenges working women face. Her tax proposals and commitment to infrastructure investment will be a boon to the middle class. She will continue the important work on health-care reform begun by President Obama. She is a sane voice on guns.

Can Clinton unify a deeply divided America? Heal the wounds of this unbearably fraught political season? Our divisions are real, and it will take more than one intensely qualified leader to heal them. And yet two words give us hope: Madam President."


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