Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 10月23日 03時29分

Moma is super tired and with a small infection that is being treated. We are switching by hand 2 groups of six hooligans to breastfeed at a time. These little gangsters kept me awake all night long. Now I'm afraid to look directly at a woman for more than 3 seconds because I don't want her to get her pregnant...
Mama Perra trae una pequeña infección en la matriz. Estamos rotando a los 12 hooligans a comer para que descanse. Me tuvieron despierto toda la noche. Son unos gangsters miniatura...
#BJWTdogs #BlackJaguarWhiteTiger #CheaperByTheDozenBJWT


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