イリザ・シュレシンガーのインスタグラム(ilizas) - 10月21日 04時19分

So much of our lives are staged for social media. Pictures and videos often happen organically then are re-staged for posting purposes. It's rare to be captured by someone without you saying "get will you take a pic?" Last night Smokey Husky caught us all in, well, not rare form (Small and rare! ) but an unaware form. Did a few sets, then had some drinks and some Thai food (shoutout to @jokoy for the sweatshirt I live in) and some coke and wine because we are a poor Italian family and we get by with what is left in the fridge. That's my neighbor, Waz, he just became an American citizen, just in time for this poop storm. Top right pic was either me saying "I'll have a little more" or I was showing the size of Blanche's mercy. Either way, this was me, uninterrupted and enjoying my life.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




Aria Alexanderのインスタグラム
Aria Alexanderさんがフォロー
