のインスタグラム(cheeserland) - 10月20日 16時25分

Last year this time, Sakura was still in my tummy and Qiu helped me out to settle down in this new country the best she could despite having her own baby to take care of and already dealing with her work problem.

One year later now, she is facing one of the most difficult times in her life with all her savings gone for the legal battle and yesterday she still insisted to treat me and Junya dinner because she hasn't seen me for a long time. She is one of the rarest kind of friends who can be so genuine, caring and selfless. And I wish the world would be kinder to more people who deserve it. I mean, she could have spent all these stressful teary nights calling her lawyers and filing her defense for happier family time instead. My help alone is not enough, so I am hoping that this post can bring her a little more support so that she can continue to fight for her freedom. I want her to stop worrying about money so we can go on normal play dates with our four babies now.
Please read qiuqiu.sg and @bongqiuqiu for her crowdfunding post and link, even the tiniest help counts! Thank you so much. ♡


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