リアナ・リベラトのインスタグラム(lianaliberato) - 10月18日 05時47分

"It's the people who know they are found that continue to seek others"
I just would like to point out the people who have continually loved me. Not for personal gain. Not for how it will reflect their brand/community. But just because they care about my well being and my impact on others. GUYS!!! It is so important to love people who don't look or act like you!!! We are not on this earth to separate ourselves from people. We are here to chase others. It's about making one another feel welcome. There's a huge difference between "belonging" somewhere and "fitting in" somewhere. We belong whether or not we fit in. The color of our skin, how we dress, who we choose to love, what our Instagram looks like, the mistakes we make - shouldn't matter to those who base their choices out of love. It's not about placing value on people for what they can do for us. It's our job to make others feel valid and heard. So thank you, to all of you, for making me feel like what I have to say is important. What every single one of you say is important. Don't ever forget that.
This list is in no way exhaustive. There are so many others who pour into me everyday that I am so grateful for. Just love you all a lot xx


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