アナリン・マッコードのインスタグラム(theannalynnemccord) - 10月17日 20時31分

I woke up to this beautiful post from my beautiful big sis. It's gorgeous and sweet and there should be nothing but smiles and memories, but for me...
I'm honestly in tears as I write this. You may see a sweet girl with a darling doggie, but I see so much more. I see the face of the woman I call my sister before the world was so cruel to her. I see the face of a girl with hopes and dreams who hasn't yet been told by so many men that those dreams would never happen. I see the face of kindness and compassion and belief and support that was poured out of that little girl into me so I could follow MY hopes and dreams of becoming an actress. I see the face of the girl who gave up everything to love me. And so... my tears. @othermccordgirl I love you more than one could ever hope to express in this lifetime and the next. You are my sister and therefore one half of me. Thank you for your sacrifice, thank you for your gift and thank you for, through all these years, endlessly loving me. Forever in your debt and the shadow of your protective wings, Your Little Sis. Me. Xxx


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