キーガン・アレンのインスタグラム(keeoone) - 10月11日 06時33分

Everyone asks me what the secret is in my book #lifelovebeauty
Here it is:
A little over 5 years ago, my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer and part of her treatment was chemo and radiation. While she was going through her treatment, I would walk down to a fountain where people would gather and sit in silence. Some would pray, some would cry, and some would wish on coins and toss them in. It would be parents wishing for their children, children wishing for their friends or parents and then tossing these heavy wishes away to collect at the bottom. On one occasion, a very ill little girl explained to her friends that it was where she went to wish on stars. I didn't quite understand how she saw any stars anywhere in the middle of the day.
Until one afternoon, I was out by the fountain. The sun sat low in the sky and for a brief moment bounced bright, sunset light from the steel building behind and into the fountain. This illuminated all the coins and at that moment, it all made sense.
They were wishing on the stars they created. Grabbed my camera and snapped it. A private universe of wishes.

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