キャロライン・ヴリーランドのインスタグラム(carolinevreeland) - 10月11日 05時46分

I'm really sad that my "please go vote" post comment section turned into a message board filled with hate. I was trying to reiterate the importance of voting and it spiraled into something else completely. So I thought it best to erase the post, and with it, the hateful comments between complete strangers. I'm sorry. I stand by the idea that it is our privilege and our duty to vote. Hopefully I can learn to speak my opinions in a way that creates love and not hate, which I realize isn't always possible. I'm still learning too; how to speak my mind and hold my ground in a productive way. I love you guys, here's a little Billie Holiday which I think cures most ailments xCV


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する





