パンプキンのインスタグラム(pumpkintheraccoon) - 10月9日 22時55分

Hi friends! ??❤️I want to say thank you for being so patient while we pick up the pieces following Hurricane Matthew! Many of you have asked how you can help in the relief efforts! Here the Bahamas many homes received extensive damage and there has been no power or water for several days now in badly affected areas. Today we are helping distribute clean water to those that desperately need it. Many outer islands of the Bahamas have been hit extremely hard and they have received little or no help at all. A dear friend has started a GoFundMe page to help the island of Andros that has experienced horrendous destruction. Please find the link in the bio! We must also remember Haiti. The nation has experienced severe trauma from this storm and it is heartbreaking to hear of the chaos the countries' people are enduring. Please consider going to www.3to5days.org @3to5days to help provide water filters to the devastated areas of Haiti. Thank you all so much for reading and for considering donating. You the followers have been so kind to us during the last few days and we know we have the most amazing supportive fans! Peace and Love, Team Pumps ?❤️? #pumpkintheraccoon


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