資生堂のインスタグラム(shiseido) - 10月6日 21時29分

#ArtistsWeLove ❤️ Kengo Kuma 隈 研吾 has designed a lavish Japanese tea set called Kusa, made from silver for Danish heritage brand Georg Jensen. Intended to be used for the sado tea ceremony, the set consists of a cha-ire (tea cady), chasen (whisk), chashaku (tea scoop) and chawan (tea bowl), as well as a tray. The chawan and cha-ire are made with a reflective mirror finish on the inside and a contrasting oxidized surface on the outside. In addition, the outside surface of the pieces are decorated with latticework of silver that brings to mind grass waving in the wind. #ShareArts #ShareBeauty ? #BeautyEveryday with #Shiseido


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