ヒラリー・クリントンのインスタグラム(hillaryclinton) - 10月6日 02時28分

"We’re never going to let Wall Street wreck Main Street again, and I mean it...Contrast that with my opponent. He wants to do away with the rules that have been imposed on Wall Street. He basically wants to let Wall Street, the banks, the hedge funds, all these other institutions basically do whatever they want again. Well, I’ll tell you what, we’re not going to let that happen. We need more rules, not fewer rules on them. I want us to make it easier to start a small business, to get rid of the red tape, to make credit available, to make it clear that most new jobs are going to come from small businesses in America, so we should have a big, dynamic small business economy. But we are not going to let big business and big corporations call the shots anymore. That is not working for us." —Hillary


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