サラ・ハドソンのインスタグラム(sarahhudsonxx) - 10月4日 06時23分

Wow. As someone who lost a dear friend at 16 to a drunk driver on PCH, I made a pact with myself years ago to never get in a car with someone even if they've had one drink & this is why. Don't be so selfish and expect people to get in your car if you've been drinking...I don't care if you think I'm a bitch or "not fun" or if you've only had "one drink"...but I'll be calling an uber hunnay. Life is too beautiful to do dumb shit. Don't feel pressured...do the right thing for your precious life and the lives of others. Sending so much love to this father that lost his wife and unborn baby and all of the families and friends that have lost anyone to a drunk driving accident. ?? Leave a comment with a promise that you will never get in a car with someone who's been drinking or if you have been drinking yourself...there is power in numbers! ?


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