アメリカ運輸保安局のインスタグラム(tsa) - 10月1日 04時53分

Meet Ssiller and his handler C. Neeson. This 7-year-old Labrador Retriever just retired after 6-years as a TSA explosives detection canine. If you’re wondering about the strange spelling of Ssiller, the double letter at the beginning of his name indicates that he was named after a victim of the 9/11 attacks. In this case, Ssiller was named after Firefighter Steven G. Siller who died in the 9/11 attacks while saving people at the Twin Towers. Poetically, Ssiller retired after running the annual Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers 5K Run and Walk. The run commemorates 9/11 hero Steven Siller and follows the route he took from the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel to the Twin Towers. Neeson will continue with a new canine, but has adopted Ssiller and has plans to make him a therapy dog. But for now, Ssiller can just be a dog and do dog things. Good boy, Ssiller. #DogsofInstagram #WorkingDogs #TSAOnTheJob #TunnelToTowers #FDNY #LabradorRetriever


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