ケリー・マレーのインスタグラム(kelli_murray) - 10月1日 01時36分

I've been quietly struggling with some health stuff lately and was finally diagnosed with a disorder called POTS (postural tachycardia syndrome). It's brought on heart and circulatory issues along with a handful of other not so fun symptoms. My whole life I've felt like the odd ball in terms of my health. I had seizures as a kid and always going to the doctor for really strange ("not normal") symptoms. For me, this diagnosis clarified a lot of things. I'm a worrier by nature so it's easy for me to get wrapped up in the "what if's" and let my mind dwell on worst case scenario's. With two kids to raise and a business to run I get frustrated with this mis-wired body that so often gets in the way. But if I'm really truly honest with myself, I'm thankful. Because God made me this way, quirks and all, and it's let me live 31 wonderful years and birth two beautiful healthy kids. I'm thankful because I know this condition could be way worse for me, and that there are other people struggling with far bigger things. I'm thankful because I'm alive, with breath in my lungs and a whole lot to live for. It doesn't discount the hard times, but it keeps my mind in perspective when I have bad days. So, all this to say, if you're struggling with something, you're not alone. And if you've made it reading this far...👏🏼👏🏼 ;) love you guys.


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