タミン・サーソクのインスタグラム(tamminsursok) - 9月30日 01時16分

Amazing article on @bottleandheels today called "not a girl, not yet a Mom" by @gutstadt Here's an excerpt "Most days I still just feel like me, perhaps my 15 year old self, slightly independent but still coming home after a long day of high school and flopping down on the couch asking my mom what was for dinner. At times, I’m my 22 year old self, not needing anyone, but actually needing my mom more then I ever knew, still discovering my own secrets and mysteries, but wanting her to hold my hand through it all and reassure me. When I have a cold, I am 6 again, longing for my mom to cook up some chicken soup and buttered Chala bread, bring it to my bed, rub my back and put on a movie. In reality, I’m 35 years old and still call my mom throughout the day, who now instead of living a few blocks away in the same city, is a 5 hour plane ride and thousands of miles away, with border control in between us. And I still need her just as much." Read the rest link in my bio.


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