ドウェイン・ジョンソンのインスタグラム(therock) - 9月18日 10時04分

Flew to Vegas to wrap up my interviews for our show that's unlike anything you've ever seen - our CNN ORIGINAL SERIES called #Soundtracks.

From the ASSASSINATION OF MARTIN LUTHER KING, to the 9/11 WORLD TRADE CENTER ATTACKS, to the STONEWALL RIOTS launching the Gay Rights/LBGT movement to the aftermath of HURRICANE KATRINA to the KILLINGS AT KENT STATE that sparked America's polarized position on the VIETNAM WAR to the FALL OF THE BERLIN WALL to the POWERFUL WOMEN'S MOVEMENT for respect and equality. We explore how the music of these seminal moments in history have become the voice and anthems of generations.

It's been an incredibly gratifying producing experience for me personally to have so many iconic artists share their perspectives and what inspired them to write songs so powerful they become the voice of generations.
@sevenbucksprod's and our amazing producing partners @showofforcefilm are very proud of this highly in depth series and can't wait to show the world.

Many of you know how much I'm a huge music fan and I'm honored to bring you this one. Music's our soul and I think you're really gonna dig it.. #Soundtracks #CNNOriginalSeries #ShowOfForce #SevenBucksProds


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Megan Rainのインスタグラム
Megan Rainさんがフォロー
