タイリース・ギブソンのインスタグラム(tyrese) - 9月12日 02時05分

God receives prayers in over 10,000 languages daily from around the world! He knows your heart....... I hope he sends you all that your heart desires in your personal life, your family, your business and for him to bless your visions, projects and ideas..... I hope you slip a small prayer in there for me too? It's true that it's lonely at the top trust me I know - Because you're alone doesn't mean you're "lonely"...... Don't be like most and allow your horny or lonely or the spirit of "familiarity" make you run back into something or to someone, or remain IN business with someone that you should of never been in with in the first place..... I rebuke the spirit or quitting, surrendering, suicide or dropping OUT of school.... I struggle with trying to find the right balance sometimes..... Yes even me! Having faith in Gods favor and being aware of miracles and the power of God and all of his capabilities and still find myself trying to do everything myself.... How can you have faith in HIM then find yourself trying to do HIS job?? Sometimes you just have to sit still pray and allow God to open NEW DOORS and send you in NEW DIRECTIONS that's when you will be blessed...... Learn to embrace and enjoy yourself by yourself........ Praying for you - if you can read this I'm talking to you..... I'm praying for you... Gn - Tyrese Gibson #VoltronChairman #Amen


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