ジョー・キンダーのインスタグラム(joekinder) - 9月11日 03時35分

I'm ready.
I've been in this studio gym every other day for nearly 7 weeks. Putting in time to grow my body and rise to new levels. I'm ready. I feel a different mode than before and I'm prepared to embark on what matters. Training is still new to me but I can say one thing isn't to be mistaken. That's the psych that builds up when I'm away from the cliff. I'm ready.
I hope that you all feel the benefits from your training, psych, or passion this season. The time is close.
It was a pleasure doing a little photo shoot with the talented @francoislebeau. Check him out as you will see many more photos from this guy in the near future.

See you all at the cliff.


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