スティナ・サンダースのインスタグラム(stinasanders) - 9月10日 15時09分

Filming with Channel 4 today, discussing my experience of domestic abuse from the beginning of the "perfect" relationship and how I eventually escaped. Unfortunately some people are never able to escape. In the UK, two women are killed a week because of their abusive partner. As well as this, 400 people commit suicide ever year because they see no way out. I'm hoping this programme will show everyone that there is a way. I'm going to be discussing everything from the signs of an abusive partner and what you can do if you are ever in that situation or if you know a loved one who is in danger. Something that I hear all too often is people think abuse only means physical. It doesn't. Abuse can be emotional. Never feel ashamed or that you can't talk to anyone - there is always someone who can help. You are not alone. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.


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