Our very last team practice of the Quad was today ??? It is absolute madness how fast it has all gone. Three and a half years of training, competing, loving, growing, collaborating, dreaming & hustling -- all TOGETHER & ALWAYS #allin. I don't have the words to express my true and deep love & gratitude for this group of individuals; each of them are true friends, partners & inspirations to me. This ride has been really beautiful & fulfilling; Truly As special as it gets. We were striving for an Olympic gold medal ? That didn't happen, but we WON bronze and we did it in a golden way ✨ Our bronze medal makes me unbelievably proud & it will always be a highlight of a highlight filled career & life. My personal goal for our tribe (my team & my family) was for us to win a gold medal every day ✨ My thought was for us to be fully committed & all in & as connected as possible every single day of our journey. To fight for our dreams with all our hearts, minds and physicality. To work and work and work & to LOVE the work. To believe and to communicate and to fight for everything. I believe that we accomplished that goal. Nothing is perfect and we weren't perfect, but our intentions, our drive & our character along the way was pretty .... GOLDEN. Consistently. I love my team and I've loved this journey. Endings make me sad,, so here's to everlasting beginnings & to a golden journey to each of us, whatever we choose to do next. @aprilrossbeach @idrillsvb @jonw_daze @coachgus_ @teamusa @usavbeach AND .... I'm not retiring! Goodness gracious! One day, but not yet ?

kerrileewalshさん(@kerrileewalsh)が投稿した動画 -

ケリー・ウォルシュ・ジェニングスのインスタグラム(kerrileewalsh) - 9月10日 09時11分

Our very last team practice of the Quad was today ??? It is absolute madness how fast it has all gone. Three and a half years of training, competing, loving, growing, collaborating, dreaming & hustling -- all TOGETHER & ALWAYS #allin.
I don't have the words to express my true and deep love & gratitude for this group of individuals; each of them are true friends, partners & inspirations to me. This ride has been really beautiful & fulfilling; Truly As special as it gets.
We were striving for an Olympic gold medal ? That didn't happen, but we WON bronze and we did it in a golden way ✨ Our bronze medal makes me unbelievably proud & it will always be a highlight of a highlight filled career & life.
My personal goal for our tribe (my team & my family) was for us to win a gold medal every day ✨ My thought was for us to be fully committed & all in & as connected as possible every single day of our journey. To fight for our dreams with all our hearts, minds and physicality. To work and work and work & to LOVE the work. To believe and to communicate and to fight for everything.
I believe that we accomplished that goal. Nothing is perfect and we weren't perfect, but our intentions, our drive & our character along the way was pretty .... GOLDEN. Consistently.
I love my team and I've loved this journey. Endings make me sad,, so here's to everlasting beginnings & to a golden journey to each of us, whatever we choose to do next. @エイプリル・ロス @idrillsvb @jonw_daze @coachgus_ @teamusa @usavbeach AND .... I'm not retiring! Goodness gracious! One day, but not yet ?


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