スコット・シューマンのインスタグラム(thesartorialist) - 9月7日 22時18分

I love the surprises my job brings! I was wandering around Cortona and I saw this very chic lady in the blue dress. I watched her for a little while as I considered whether to ask her if I could shoot a portrait of her. As I mentioned before older ladies refuse my request so much that I've basically given up and I was going to pass on this shot but then she looked at me and we smiled at each other and then the lady popped her head out of the second floor window and then I knew I HAD to take the shot! I raised my camera and motioned my intent and to my surprise she not only agreed but even gave me a little attitude-y pose!!! It gets tiresome getting turned down by older women so much but when it does all work it can be a real treasure. (Ps. You should expand the image to feel the charm of these two ladies!)


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




