ナタリア・コルドバ・バックリーのインスタグラム(yosoycordova) - 9月5日 09時23分

Embrace with arms of gratitude....................?✨?✨?✨? ✨"When we look into our own bodily formation, we see Mother Earth inside us, and so the whole universe is inside us, too. Once we have this insight of interbeing, it is possible to have real communication, real communion, with the Earth. This is the highest possible form of prayer.

To express our reverence for the Earth is not to deify her or believe she is any more sacred than ourselves. It is to love her, to take care of her and to take refuge in her. When we suffer, the Earth embraces us, accepts us, and restores our energy, making us strong and stable again. The relief that we seek is right under our feet and all around us. Much of our suffering can be healed if we realize this. If we understand our deep connection and relationship with the Earth, we will have enough love, strength, and awakening to look after ourselves and the Earth so that we both can thrive."
~Thich Nhat Hanh ?: @brianbuckleyband
#connection #motherearth #prayer #embraceall #gratitude


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