アン・カーティスのインスタグラム(annecurtissmith) - 9月4日 17時31分

Last year 3,500 runners. This year 7000 runners! Maraming Salamat po! Graaaaaaabe! A BIG thank you to my race partner this year RunRio for helping me even when I could be kulit about certain things ? @coach_rio316 you have a heart of gold! Not only for giving us an awesome fun run but also for donating your services. We are truly, truly grateful. Thaaaaaaank you so much! Kaya ka blessed e! Ms Lotta, thank you for always being so game to run ? 10km next year? ? hehe! Ahhhhhhhh! I'm so happy!!!! Thank you Lord for not letting the rain put down when we were all still running!! Bait mo talaga!!! To all the runners, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! It would not have been a success if YOU had not decided to come and be HERO FOR CHILDREN with us today! Maraming Salamat!! I hope to see all of you next year. Game? ? @unicefphils


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