ベッキーGのインスタグラム(iambeckyg) - 9月3日 23時57分

Sebastian, It's hard for me to write this because there is just so much to say. Let me try to keep it simple. You truly are one of the most incredible people I've ever known. I am beyond thankful that you exist in this world. I'm lucky to have a best friend like you. So many things I wanted to post but this one stood out. It's the perfect example of the fact that since I met you, it didn't matter where we go, a place filled with thousands of people, or a small coffee shop like the one we sat in that day talking for hours, it's literally like we're the only two people there. Seeing you be yourself and learning more and more about you has inspired me tremendously. Ain't no body else I'd rather do life with. You're the shit. "Just so you know it's real." Happy Birthday My love.


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