When disappointment ensues I am reminded where my help comes from. I don't fall apart. Even if I want to or feel I deserve to. I acknowledge those feelings, maybe even cry it out, but I don't unravel. Unraveling means I've given up and I refuse to do so. Nope. I have my moment and let it pass. I refocus and allow God the room to do His thing. Which is tough because I'm a control freak lol but I am learning that control really is rooted in fear and I don't operate from a place of fear. I live on FAITH. That's been my whole story. When I first auditioned for Glee I was a year unemployed. The day before my auditioned I was begging to go back to my old job for less pay and a lower position. I was so defeated that I wasn't even going to GO on the audition. I couldn't take another "no" and we didn't even have a car. I had to borrow a friend's to make it (thank you @_thatdudekelvin!) but God said Go and I did! Dreamgirls? I just finished vocal surgery and I had to audition a week after my first month of no talking during recovery. I was mortified. I didn't know what I was gonna sound like. But I flew to New York on what? Say it with me! FAITH! And gave it my all! My callback for Dreamgirls? I had a broken foot and bronchitis and flew all the way to London ON FAITH, that SOMETHING, ANYTHING would come out because I could barely talk. I didn't sound the best but I believe because of my faith they still saw the best in ME. And the best that lives in me is GOD!!! So this is how I want to live each day. With faith. And that's how I will live each day. No matter what may go on in my life, I will rest assured knowing that in the end I have done my part and everything I can not do will fall in it's place. Because it's been proven time and time again. A life of prayer, fasting (the real kind not the kind y'all do to get skinny) and reading the Word has worked for me. THAT'S the motto. Faith and trust ????#notesfrommyjournal #journeytodreamgirls I hope this helps someone, y'all have me baring my soul on the internet ? love you for real ?✌?️

msamberprileyさん(@msamberpriley)が投稿した動画 -

アンバー・ライリーのインスタグラム(msamberpriley) - 9月3日 04時38分

When disappointment ensues I am reminded where my help comes from. I don't fall apart. Even if I want to or feel I deserve to. I acknowledge those feelings, maybe even cry it out, but I don't unravel. Unraveling means I've given up and I refuse to do so. Nope. I have my moment and let it pass. I refocus and allow God the room to do His thing. Which is tough because I'm a control freak lol but I am learning that control really is rooted in fear and I don't operate from a place of fear. I live on FAITH. That's been my whole story. When I first auditioned for Glee I was a year unemployed. The day before my auditioned I was begging to go back to my old job for less pay and a lower position. I was so defeated that I wasn't even going to GO on the audition. I couldn't take another "no" and we didn't even have a car. I had to borrow a friend's to make it (thank you @_thatdudekelvin!) but God said Go and I did! Dreamgirls? I just finished vocal surgery and I had to audition a week after my first month of no talking during recovery. I was mortified. I didn't know what I was gonna sound like. But I flew to New York on what? Say it with me! FAITH! And gave it my all! My callback for Dreamgirls? I had a broken foot and bronchitis and flew all the way to London ON FAITH, that SOMETHING, ANYTHING would come out because I could barely talk. I didn't sound the best but I believe because of my faith they still saw the best in ME. And the best that lives in me is GOD!!! So this is how I want to live each day. With faith. And that's how I will live each day. No matter what may go on in my life, I will rest assured knowing that in the end I have done my part and everything I can not do will fall in it's place. Because it's been proven time and time again. A life of prayer, fasting (the real kind not the kind y'all do to get skinny) and reading the Word has worked for me. THAT'S the motto. Faith and trust ????#notesfrommyjournal #journeytodreamgirls I hope this helps someone, y'all have me baring my soul on the internet ? love you for real ?✌?️

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