モービーのインスタグラム(moby) - 9月1日 01時23分

Recently someone asked me "why start a vegan festival and perform for free?" It's simple, ending animal agriculture is a huge part of my life's work. If we ended animal agriculture tomorrow we would: save tens of BILLIONS of animals. Reduce rainforest deforestation by 90%. Reduce cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and obesity by 50%. Reduce climate change by 45%. Reduce antibiotic resistance by 50%. Reduce ocean acidification by 35%. So THAT'S WHY. As a species we keep pretending that our actions don't have consequences. But our actions are killing us, killing animals, and making the planet uninhabitable. The age of shameless selfishness needs to come to an end. We have a job: save the planet. Save the animals. Save ourselves. @circlevfest @tonykanal @mercyforanimals pic @kirbyscalfrescue


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