I had a mum approach me the other day with and ask me if i could train her daughter. I said “of course” and asked her how old her daughter was… the mother said “shes 13”. I asked her why she thought her daughter needed to train with me and she said “because she’s a big girl and all her friends are really skinny”. I was actually shocked. Out of curiosity I asked “have you ever told her this?” she said, “I tell her she's fat all the time and she needs to lose weight but she doesn't listen”. At this point in the conversation I really wanted to pick up my coffee and walk away because I honestly felt physically ill for this poor child. To all the mothers in the world, please, I'm begging you… do what my parents did for me and LOVE your children so so so much. Tell them they are beautiful everyday, compliment them, involve yourself in their lives, play sport with them outside, get them enrolled in school sports and activities. Please never ever call them names or tell your 13 year old that she NEEDS a personal trainer. You don't understand what that does to WOMEN when they are older. 13 year olds are in school, they are babies… they need to play school sport and learn about team work… they DO NOT necessarily need a gym membership to lose weight. It may not seem like it by this post, but I was honestly lost for words in front of that mother. I sat in my car after and my eyes just started watering. You may not agree with me but….please let children be children. IF they want to go to the gym when they are older, make sure its because they want to be healthy, fit and strong. Not because they want to look a certain way or fit in with a group. They should want to go to the gym because they want to FEEL good. www.kaylaitsines.com/app

kayla_itsinesさん(@kayla_itsines)が投稿した動画 -

ケイラ・アイトサインズのインスタグラム(kayla_itsines) - 8月31日 05時36分

I had a mum approach me the other day with and ask me if i could train her daughter. I said “of course” and asked her how old her daughter was… the mother said “shes 13”. I asked her why she thought her daughter needed to train with me and she said “because she’s a big girl and all her friends are really skinny”. I was actually shocked. Out of curiosity I asked “have you ever told her this?” she said, “I tell her she's fat all the time and she needs to lose weight but she doesn't listen”. At this point in the conversation I really wanted to pick up my coffee and walk away because I honestly felt physically ill for this poor child. To all the mothers in the world, please, I'm begging you… do what my parents did for me and LOVE your children so so so much. Tell them they are beautiful everyday, compliment them, involve yourself in their lives, play sport with them outside, get them enrolled in school sports and activities. Please never ever call them names or tell your 13 year old that she NEEDS a personal trainer. You don't understand what that does to WOMEN when they are older. 13 year olds are in school, they are babies… they need to play school sport and learn about team work… they DO NOT necessarily need a gym membership to lose weight. It may not seem like it by this post, but I was honestly lost for words in front of that mother. I sat in my car after and my eyes just started watering. You may not agree with me but….please let children be children. IF they want to go to the gym when they are older, make sure its because they want to be healthy, fit and strong. Not because they want to look a certain way or fit in with a group. They should want to go to the gym because they want to FEEL good.


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