ダニエル・ポランコのインスタグラム(dannip18) - 8月30日 12時46分

Still can't believe my baby girl is back home in Tokyo. I had to go to the airport to say my final goodbyes. Saying goodbye to her alongside all her best friends seriously felt like a sad movie scene. We all cried so much and felt immediate emptiness when we separated.
This is just more of a reason to hurry to Japan. We all love and miss you so much already. Continue to be beyond amazing and pass on everything you've learned here to as many as you can. Love you my JapBot Princess @ayayan0327 ???? #Ayaninja #FinalGoodbyes #FinalMoment #FinalMomentWithMyBaby #ILoveMyPrincess #WhereTheEliteWeep #CryARiver


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