ティナ・マジョリーノのインスタグラム(tinamajorino) - 8月30日 08時15分

I was 12. And very nervous to meet you. I had watched Willy Wonka a hundred times, memorized every word you'd said, and every song you sang. You were mesmerizing in every frame of every film; so brilliant that I didn't know how it was possible you were real, and how I'd gotten so lucky that I would get to share the screen with you. When you walked onto that set and took my hands in yours, and said in a hushed voice "Hello darling, I'm Gene" it sounded like the sweetest secret I had ever heard. My heart raced as we squeezed hands. I worried you could feel the clamminess of my palms. But you smiled and didn't let go. I told you I was nervous to sing with you and you said "Don't be nervous. It's just me." People are seldom as great as you, at anything. And those that are, are rarely as kind. You were gentle, patient, and gracious. It was the first time in my life I had ever experienced brilliance right before my very eyes. Thank you for everything you contributed to our world. There are far too many to name. And thank you for easing a young girl's mind, and keeping her hope alive that one day she could be great too. Magic. ❤️ #RIP


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