ジェマ・アトキンソンのインスタグラム(glouiseatkinson) - 8月25日 16時16分

It's never to late to make positive changes in your life! Be it a lifestyle change regarding your health & fitness, leaving a job that makes you unhappy or removing yourself from the wrong relationship. My mum & her hubby are retiring soon. I mentioned them joining the gym or taking up a sport to which they both laughed & said "we're too old" after showing them little exercises just around the house & giving them different food ideas they can cook together & explaining how good some light, moderate exercise will be, they have changed their mind! ? In fact, Mum said to me the other day "we've found a gym with a pool as I always loved swimming" It made me so happy! Many people see retirement as slowing down. But in my mum & peters case, it's going back to what you love and now having more time to do it. Along with more then a few well deserved sloth / do nothing days too obviously ?. Don't let age or circumstance stop you doing what you enjoy! ❤️


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