Angela Simmonsのインスタグラム(angelasimmons) - 8月18日 01時58分

Embracing my journey daily. Pregnancy is such a blessing. It comes with so much change that only a woman could truly understand. Our bodies change drastically. Our hormones are all over the place. Your choices become about what's best for your child ...It's been such a beautiful journey for me. But also eye opening. I never knew exactly what becoming a mother would feel like. I am so excited to meet this little boy who awakes me in the middle of the night with his gentle kicks and touches. I truly feel that everyone has such a different story when it comes to their journey. I have been so encouraged and moved by the different woman I have met along these last few months. We all share so many things in common. Pregnancy grants you with a new level of yourself. You really do learn so much more about yourself. You also learn that you have choose to not live for just you anymore. I really enjoy sharing all that I'm learning with you guys. Because I know there are other mommies out there just like myself. Experiencing this journey for the first time. I encourage you all to embrace it. Show off that baby bump. Most of all.... Love yourself in the process. ❤️ Thank you @alamodephoto for these images ❤️


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