ラミン・カリムルーのインスタグラム(raminkarimloo) - 7月31日 04時29分

Pause ... Pause. This has been the most diverse few months of my life. Many things I've experienced for the first time. I'm very grateful. Learning to pause to reflect, be grateful and grow. Kind of like today's session with @alec2austin and adopting that in the lift (or pull). Pause in the rep. Let the muscles all fire. Make each rep count. Grow. ... Lots to still look forward to. White Rabbit Red Rabbit. Lytham festival. Back to the U.S. With the family. Murder Ballad. End of the year and into the new year my Airmiles may be growing again. News to come. Grateful to all who support and help make all this happen. 'We're all in this thing together' #fitfam #broadway #musical #broadgrass


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