クラウディア・ジョーダンのインスタグラム(claudiajordan) - 7月28日 13時05分

Words can't explain how proud I am to have been able to see the election and presidency of Barack Obama. I'll never forget the first time I heard him speak in Boston- I was half sleep on my couch and the tv was on CNN like always and in my half sleep state I remember thinking "whoever THAT is- needs to be our President!" The day he accepted the Democratic nomination- I was right there live in Denver! Working on my radio show- we even got to interview Corey Booker- who also has a bright future in politics. Then- I'll never forget maxing one of my credit cards to send a sizable donation cause I believed in him that much! The campaign was so on point- that they sent me a portion of my donation back as it was over some limit they had (I was like wooooow!) (not bragging- just wanted to share the integrity of that campaign) Then when I was selected to travel to the Inauguration to broadcast live for the Foxxhole and I sat and reported outside in 19 degree cold weather- I didn't care about my numb toes and fingertips because I was so proud to be witnessing history for such a dynamic and impressive man. Tonight- I watched with proudness in my heart and I just want to say Thank You President Obama for the classy, intelligent and amazing example you have presented to the world. I salute you! ❤️??✊??????


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