タイリース・ギブソンのインスタグラム(tyrese) - 7月28日 03時03分

Sometimes life can beat you up and spit you out - and you can find yourself clamming up, not wanting love again and let alone "like" anyone or anything..... When I pray, I pray for clarity, I pray that God #Preserves my heart, I pray that God allows for the joy and excitement of love, friendships, relationships old and new, I pray that God allows for NEW people to show up and be embraced because you just never know HOW these "new" people will create NEW standards for your life...... Father God please continue to preserve my heart and although I've been burned, disappointed in people and their actions towards me, taken advantage of and deeply stabbed in my back - I want the love IN my heart to continue to overflow and embrace all - a closed heart will stop beating much faster than an open one......//. To God be the GLORY for any and all things that he continue to do in and around my life..... This is not only my prayer it's a prayer that I'm praying for YOU... Have a blessed day - Amen....


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