Given the heinous nature of the comment section - There are moments when my soul feels almost crushed by vitriol. The words I read shock me. They make me physically shake. They cause actual, pain in my chest. The need that people have to try to cut others down revolts me. But I believe in what our First Lady said last night. This country IS great. It doesn't need to be made great again. We are making progress. Positive, incremental change. Every day. Sometimes I lose sight of that greatness. I wonder where it is when I'm called names for exercising my first amendment right. When someone has the senseless, and frankly childish, need to say "unfollowing you now, bitch," or "you're a disappointment." Well, don't let the virtual door hit your ass on the way out. You may not agree with me, but don't attempt to shame me for my passion & beliefs. I know it's a rough time. I know people are disillusioned. But WAKE UP. We have two choices. One is an experienced politician who has been busting her ass to serve the American people. One is a reality tv sensationalist who is a thief, a racist, a fear-monger, a rapist, an abuser, and who is working with Russia to undermine American democracy and destroy trade (read the news today before you call this a lie. It's not) so that he can get richer while those suffering only suffer further. You may not like either option. And that's fine. But we as Americans cannot act like spoiled children who throw a tantrum when they don't get their way. You cannot fall victim to the ADD twitter culture, ever-changing-news-cycle world where "we want what we want and we want it NOW and if we don't get it now well then fuck you." You want change? Dedicate yourself to election reform. SHOW UP. Volunteer. DO something. Stop bitching and make change. But for now? Choose hope over hatred. Do what's right for the country. And then spend the next four years working to change what you don't like instead of hiding behind a computer bashing the values you actually claim to hold dear. And for those claiming this chart isn't real? Sorry. It is. Wonder why you claim it isn't? Google the "Backfire Effect." And then have a long hard think.

sophiabushさん(@sophiabush)が投稿した動画 -

ソフィア・ブッシュのインスタグラム(sophiabush) - 7月27日 05時28分

Given the heinous nature of the comment section -
There are moments when my soul feels almost crushed by vitriol. The words I read shock me. They make me physically shake. They cause actual, pain in my chest. The need that people have to try to cut others down revolts me. But I believe in what our First Lady said last night. This country IS great. It doesn't need to be made great again. We are making progress. Positive, incremental change. Every day. Sometimes I lose sight of that greatness. I wonder where it is when I'm called names for exercising my first amendment right. When someone has the senseless, and frankly childish, need to say "unfollowing you now, bitch," or "you're a disappointment." Well, don't let the virtual door hit your ass on the way out. You may not agree with me, but don't attempt to shame me for my passion & beliefs. I know it's a rough time. I know people are disillusioned. But WAKE UP. We have two choices. One is an experienced politician who has been busting her ass to serve the American people. One is a reality tv sensationalist who is a thief, a racist, a fear-monger, a rapist, an abuser, and who is working with Russia to undermine American democracy and destroy trade (read the news today before you call this a lie. It's not) so that he can get richer while those suffering only suffer further. You may not like either option. And that's fine. But we as Americans cannot act like spoiled children who throw a tantrum when they don't get their way. You cannot fall victim to the ADD twitter culture, ever-changing-news-cycle world where "we want what we want and we want it NOW and if we don't get it now well then fuck you." You want change? Dedicate yourself to election reform. SHOW UP. Volunteer. DO something. Stop bitching and make change. But for now? Choose hope over hatred. Do what's right for the country. And then spend the next four years working to change what you don't like instead of hiding behind a computer bashing the values you actually claim to hold dear. And for those claiming this chart isn't real? Sorry. It is. Wonder why you claim it isn't? Google the "Backfire Effect." And then have a long hard think.


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