"Kayla do you ever eat cake" ...YES, yes I do. For the ladies wondering if I eat pasta, rice, cake, fruit, chocolate (or whatever else I get asked) the answer is yes, yes yes yes and yes. I eat everything!! The reason I'm saying this is because some girls think that because I have a health and fitness Instagram, that's ALL I do. So I'm going to let you in on a day in the life of me. (This isn't everyday) This is just what happened in the last 12 hours so I can use this as an example. Okay ... this morning,at 3am, I had a nightmare that someone tried to kill Ace and TJ so I woke up in a panic. I couldn't get back to sleep so I went upstairs and rearranged an entire spare bedroom and moved it into another room (I move a queen sized ensemble by myself) by this time it was 5am. I then did a load of washing (all my bed sheets plus gym clothes) I drove to a cafe ate breakfast came back home. I hung out the washing, did another load. Drove to the shops to get food to make dinner tonight, came home(hung up more washing). Went to pick up my mum from an appointment. Had to take my grandma to the shops. Ate lunch...yes it's 12pm by this time. Went to a meeting. Went home to prepare dinner. Forgot something and had to go to the shops... Its currently 2:45pm and I've done nothing but run around like a crazy person all day. Haven't worked out and to be honest, I probably won't today. I'll leave it until tomorrow? I'm not a super human. I do house work, I cook, I work, I eat bad food sometimes. I just have a passion for what I do and I make my page about the success of OTHERS because THAT is what I think is amazing. I don't want to make it JUST about my life (because that would be VERY boring with 100 photos of my washing) and I refuse to pretend to be something I'm not... I'm just a normal human being like everyone else. I hope this 12 hour insight shows a little but of that? p.s if anyone needs me to help them move their bedroom into another room at 3am, call me, I'm a pro ? www.kaylaitsines.com/app

kayla_itsinesさん(@kayla_itsines)が投稿した動画 -

ケイラ・アイトサインズのインスタグラム(kayla_itsines) - 7月25日 14時13分

"Kayla do you ever eat cake" ...YES, yes I do. For the ladies wondering if I eat pasta, rice, cake, fruit, chocolate (or whatever else I get asked) the answer is yes, yes yes yes and yes. I eat everything!! The reason I'm saying this is because some girls think that because I have a health and fitness Instagram, that's ALL I do. So I'm going to let you in on a day in the life of me. (This isn't everyday) This is just what happened in the last 12 hours so I can use this as an example. Okay ... this morning,at 3am, I had a nightmare that someone tried to kill Ace and TJ so I woke up in a panic. I couldn't get back to sleep so I went upstairs and rearranged an entire spare bedroom and moved it into another room (I move a queen sized ensemble by myself) by this time it was 5am. I then did a load of washing (all my bed sheets plus gym clothes) I drove to a cafe ate breakfast came back home. I hung out the washing, did another load. Drove to the shops to get food to make dinner tonight, came home(hung up more washing). Went to pick up my mum from an appointment. Had to take my grandma to the shops. Ate lunch...yes it's 12pm by this time. Went to a meeting. Went home to prepare dinner. Forgot something and had to go to the shops... Its currently 2:45pm and I've done nothing but run around like a crazy person all day. Haven't worked out and to be honest, I probably won't today. I'll leave it until tomorrow? I'm not a super human. I do house work, I cook, I work, I eat bad food sometimes. I just have a passion for what I do and I make my page about the success of OTHERS because THAT is what I think is amazing. I don't want to make it JUST about my life (because that would be VERY boring with 100 photos of my washing) and I refuse to pretend to be something I'm not... I'm just a normal human being like everyone else. I hope this 12 hour insight shows a little but of that? p.s if anyone needs me to help them move their bedroom into another room at 3am, call me, I'm a pro ? www.kaylaitsines.com/app


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




Yumi Wongのインスタグラム
Yumi Wongさんがフォロー
