ダイナ・ジェーン・ハンセンのインスタグラム(dinahjane) - 7月24日 22時52分

Growing up my grandfather Amoni would always say how us kids take everything for granted in America. His father Atonio passed away when he was 15 years old and instantly he had to grow up because he was was now the father figure to all 9 of his siblings. I felt the pain he endured as he told me all about his life on this tiny little island called Tonga in a village called Ha'ateiho but to be standing on the soil he once called home I felt so deeply humbled. As I walked around the house I tried to imagine myself in his shoes? tears poured down my eyes as I looked around and thought how did all 9 of you survive? and at that very moment the only answer I could think of was, there is a living God, He must have heard their countless prayers. I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to come to Tonga to see first hand where my roots are, learn of my culture, and appreciate my heritage. My grandfather Amoni says no matter where you are in life "Dinah never forget where you come from" ??


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