ミンカ・ケリーのインスタグラム(minkakelly) - 7月20日 05時59分

My beautiful friend @lifeandbread setting the table for her @allianceofmoms #RaisingFoodies dinner before the young mommas sit down and enjoy the meal they learned to cook from my other beautiful friends and volunteers, @Gaby Dalkin & @weeliciousmenus. I had the honor of photographing last nights dinner and I was overwhelmed with how lucky I am to be surrounded by such strong, courageous, and generous women doing their part to make a difference. If you know my friend Khatira, you know that being of service brings her so much joy and seeing her in her element and capturing it in this photo was a very proud and heart warming moment for me. I'm so proud of you and what you are doing, Khat.
You go girl ❤️


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