ジェマ・アトキンソンのインスタグラム(glouiseatkinson) - 7月18日 04時28分

So tomorrow, for the first time in months due to a hip injury I'm attempting to train in Muay Thai again with @dazthaiboxer mentally not being able to do Thai boxing has kinda got me feeling crappy. I love boxing, I love weight training but I ABSOLUTELY love Thai boxing! My Psoas muscle has been bad. At one stage I couldn't even drive with it and the pain was so bad I was in tears ? with months of rehab from the brilliant @fullmotion_physio I'm finally feeling good and I want to give it another try. I'm quite scared as I'm aware it could go again & that pain is something I never want to experience again! But hey, if I don't try I'll never know... I cant sit back and ignore it forever. Wish me luck! #knocksucow


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