クラウディア・ジョーダンのインスタグラム(claudiajordan) - 7月14日 03時44分

When will this country admit that several of our boys in blue are unfit for the job? Yeah yeah yeah we know it's not all- but why are these guys allowed to do this to people who are sitting peacefully complying? The badge should never be disrespected to give license to angry, trigger happy unstable incompetent men to abuse and kill people. This is disgusting. Can you imagine how bad it hurt to be sprayed in the face with pepper spray and being too afraid to react the way any normal human being would outta fear you will be killed? I'm sharing this video to silence those in denial that are quick to say "well if they weren't going for a gun, or resisting arrest, or asking for it" this wouldn't happen. Nope! Not buying that anymore. This is police brutality and abuse of power 101! And THIS behavior puts good cops in danger of retaliation! Good cops don't let bad cops tarnish the brand and do nothing about it. This has gotta stop!

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