モービーのインスタグラム(moby) - 7月11日 03時16分

See, ultimately people seem to have such an inate capacity for goodness and curiosity and compassion. When confronted with actual, living animals most people respond with kindness and respect. The only reason most people eat meat and dairy is because they don't have to be involved in the horrors of industrial meat and dairy production. Our main job as activists is to remind people that meat and dairy come from living, sentient, emotional creatures. No one apart from psychopaths actually wants to cause or contribute to the suffering of an animal. But meat and dairy, especially on an industrial factory farmed level, involve truly horrifying levels of barbaric suffering. I trust that 99% of the people on the planet would rather love and respect animals than contribute to their suffering and death. #animalrights @woodstocksanctuary


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